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When it comes to singing, good sight-reading is not just about solfege. It's not even just about accuracy - it's about having the skills to absorb and synthesize your part within a musical context. ...more
Choral Singing ,Professionalism Performance Preparation Singing Career &Mindfulness
August 27, 2024•15 min read
We're told that vocal technique is essential - and it is. But, contrary to what many singers are told early on in their training, technique cannot solve all of your vocal problems. Sometimes, we need ... ...more
Mindset ,Inner Work Professionalism Singing Singing Career Vocal Technique Mindfulness &Performing
July 24, 2024•20 min read
Empathy: what it is, what it isn't, and how performing artists can leverage this human virtue to connect with their audiences, share their message, and create lasting impact on a world and music indus... ...more
self-care ,Mindset Energy Management Inner Work Mindfulness &Performing
June 01, 2024•7 min read